8 PM to 6:45 AM, baby. Ten and three-quarters hours. I slept from around 11 to 5 - waking up at 5 was almost Pavlovian. "Why isn't Sofi crying?" I wondered.
Sofi fusses when I use the computer. Hey, I'm holding you, what more do you want?
Oh well. Gotta go.
Sources of Truth and Caching
2 years ago
That's great man. Remember, schedules are your friend. Whether you like to go to bed early and sleep late, or vice versa, remember that kids need a LOT of sleep. :)
My 2.5yr old now says she doesn't need a nap. Of course, that's her opinion and when it's 7PM and she's mean as can be we differ in opinion ;)
I figure nap em until the naps are napped-out? 3-4 years old, easy. Perhaps a more experienced parent could comment on this one.
Congrats! Nothing is better than those first great nights of sleep. Blissful. Warning: usually there's a little backsliding, but it generally never goes back as far as it was.
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