It's 4 AM, and I've been edged out of bed by Sofi, and I don't dare try to slide her back to the middle, because what if she wakes up again and resumes the half-hour crying jag she started at 2:30? (It was a bad one, folks. Normally she'll fuss a little around 3 and we'll pop the pacifier back in and she'll go right back to sleep, but with this one nothing seemed to help. And of course Cathy and I started snapping at each other as our various attempts to calm her down didn't work. We did manage, finally, with me jiggling and Cathy shhhing and manning the pacifier. Teamwork!)
We're taking her up to Oakland next week, to see her grandparents and so I can go to the GDC. After that, we'll try to break her of the co-sleeping habit.
Cathy's posted more photos -- -- from the brunch after Rich & Wendy & Joey's baptism. As you can tell, we spent more time taking photos of Sofia than mingling. We never were too social.
Sources of Truth and Caching
2 years ago
Maybe try one of those battery powered bouncies or swings to help your daughter get back to sleep.
Lately, I've found that I just need to put Owen on my shoulder and let him cry it out. Usually it's not more than about 15 minutes + 15 minutes of buffer to let him get down into sleep, and it works. Sustained shushing keeps him up.
Becca is a pretty easy kid, and thankfully she's a great sleeper now. There were some rough spots (maybe three weeks at their longest) but she reliably gets 11-12 hours a night, uninterrupted now at eight months (has been doing this since end of fourth).
The only downside is that we're sort of terrified of having another kid and not getting the super easy sleeper.
Oh well, I'm sure it will build character.
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