Man, sometimes you know you gotta change her diaper, but you just can't quite bring yourself to do it just yet.
Cathy's worse than I am, though: she knows that if she lets it go, I'll break down and do it before she does. It's sort of a game of diaper chicken.
I don't want to be remembered as one of those dads who never changed the diaper...and I'm not around during the day, so Cathy definitely ends up changing a lot more than me in the long run anyhow.
Sources of Truth and Caching
2 years ago
Ah, The Will to Diaper. First posited by Nietzsche, of course: Die Wille dur Windel, in his landmark work Ecce Homo. Nietzsche attributed it entirely to women; how times have changed.
I was hoping somebody would get that.
I'm here for you, man.
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